More Issues in Media and Society

I would like to encourage you to visit some of my classmate’s blogs as well. They are extremely informative and are about a wide range of topics. All that I read were good reads, but here is a list of my favorites if you want to dive into some more topics a bit deeper.

This is the blog of a classmate who is looking at how esports are currently viewed in the media. This is not a subject that was covered in the class, but I found it very interesting as he is himself a professional esports player on the international level. He does a really good job discussing some of the current challenges facing esports when it comes to the media. It is a highly informative blog and probably my favorite if I had to choose.

This blog is from another classmate who is writing about how detrimental fake news can be on our society. I think this is a more important topic than most of us would consider. There is enough negative news out there that we do not need more of it that is just click-bait. It can damage our mental health, which then impacts our physical health. It is a huge issue that needs more consideration than it gets.

In this classmate’s research, she looked at how social media addiction has increased in the last several years and the consequences that can result from its overuse. She shares some really good graphs that help visualize how quickly the problem is growing. She also discusses how social media overuse can impact people and their own body image. It is a problem we all at least vaguely know exists but likely do not have a full understanding or grasp of.

This classmate took a look at the issues behind how minorities and genders are portrayed in the media and the impacts those unfair views can have on those within those groups. Each group is looked at negatively in its own way, each a bit different, but they have their own issues. There are two mindsets, a fixed mindset and a growth mindset, and she talks about how having a growth mindset is important to understanding prejudices and stereotypes and making the world a better, more positive, less discriminatory place.

The fifth and final blog I have to recommend is this classmate who took a look at the overall negative effects of the media on society. He also brings up cyberbullying, which I think is a huge up and coming issue for kids today. Apparently, Instagram might also be getting rid of its “like” system to help combat some of these issues. I am curious if they will end up actually going through with it. It is something I had not previously heard about and I find it very interesting. Social media has the ability to impact the mental health in positive and negative ways and he does a good job of covering those.
